We are happy to undertake, by appointment, medical examinations and reports for insurance companies and HGV/DVLA. This work is outside the NHS system and a charge will be made.
Private & Professional Fees for non-NHS work
Administrative Services
Adoption/Fostering Medicals
Certificates/GP Signature (private sick note/letter)
Completion of simple insurance claim form
Private Referral Letter |
Ofsted report for Child-minding
Severe mental impairment certificate for council tax purposes
No charge
Shotgun or firearms certificates
Clinical Services
Paternity testing (you must have kit prior to making blood appointment, and you must let us know who is paying – the CSA or yourself)
Medical examinations (incl. HGV/DVLA). Patient to arrange Optician Review prior to medical and bring visual acuity/eye test results to the appointment.
Consultation with GP following a road traffic collision (Services of the first Doctor to see a victim following a road traffic Accident - Section 158 Road Traffic Act 1988)
Please note we do not undertake the following:
- Occupational Health Services including medicals,vaccinations and blood tests.
- Private Blood Tests - Local Private Hospital provide this service.
- Scuba diving medicals – please contact Teign Diving School on 01626 773965
- 'Fitness to...' Confirmation Letters - Fly, Parachute Jump Medicals; Bungee Jumps etc
- Blue Badge support letters
- Passport countersignatures -
In light of changes to the wording for passport countersignature, which now states the countersignature "must be able to identify the applicant as a friend, colleague, in other words not just a random professional". Doctors are not listed in the occupations of those eligible to countersign.
- Testamentary capacity i.e. capacity to make or change a will/power of attornery
- Not all vaccinations are available free on the NHS, even if they're recommended for travel to a certain area. Please see our Travel Vaccination Information for details.
We now have the facility to be able to take payment of these fees via bank card and would prefer this method of payment if possible.